Imagine being able to shut out the outside world and create an atmosphere of protection and privacy at the touch of a button. Well that’s exactly what Masterframe Windows has been able to achieve with the introduction of its new privacy glass option in its range of sash windows.
The new patented technology discreetly hides all the wires and control panel so that the end result is a sleek modern window that enhances your living experience. No need for expensive blinds or drapes, this feature allows the window to offer contemporary living with the added secret feature of being able to shut out the outside world whenever you need to.
With other added benefits such as reducing glare within a room, still able to offer ambient light but with complete privacy – the absolute best of both worlds.
It is especially good at blocking out UV Rays – switchable privacy glass has exceptional built in qualities which deflects nearly 99.5% of the harmful sunrays.
Switchable privacy glass from Masterframe Windows really does offer a new way of modern living, with a spectacular effect never thought possible in a sash window.