Known to many within the industry, especially our customers who knew him personally, Sidney kindly helped me shortly after Masterframe started, when he helped direct the business through some early teething problems. He joined Masterframe as a director and shareholder in 1994 and later became the company chairman before selling his shares to his daughter Linda.
Having just retired as the chairman of the Essex Area Health Authority prior to joining Masterframe, where he had been responsible for approx. 1500 employees, he found the 15 employees we had, to be far less challenging!
A local magistrate with an amazing power of recall, he set the very highest standards for himself and everyone associated with Masterframe, which has helped make us the company we are today.
Whilst he loved all his family, their partners and offspring, especially his wife Kathleen, he was delighted to see our daughter Claire get married last year and the arrival of his great granddaughter Amelie, exactly 1 month before his passing.
Without his support in our formative years, Masterframe would not be here today, so Linda, my fellow directors and I, will be forever grateful and will miss his knowledge, guidance and friendship.
His funeral is at 1.30pm in Chelmsford Crematorium on Wednesday 16th April.
Alan Burgess
MD Masterframe