Masterframe Trade News
Team Masterframe – Make a Real Difference at Race for Life 2023
Team Masterframe – Make a Real Difference at Race for Life 2023
It’s a true saying that it’s not the strength of the body that counts, it’s the strength of the spirit and Masterframe had an abundance of spirit in yesterday’s Race for Life. The sheer determination and willpower that each of us had was on show for everyone to see, it led us all to cross the finish line with an enormous amount of pride.
How joyful it was to be a part of a force of people all eager to achieve, the positivity it brings was truly infectious. The event raised a staggering £255K, yesterday we were all part of a force for good. Masterframe made a real difference to people’s lives raising the incredible sum of £3694.00 with the gift aid contribution that is a total contribution of £4311.25.
A huge thanks must go to all the Colleagues, Customers and Supplier who supported us your generosity was so very much appreciated.
However special thanks must go to all those that took up this challenge. Carol Slade commented “When I first suggested it 3 months ago, your dedication and commitment to the cause has been a joy and I am very proud that you are part of Team Masterframe.”
The Masterframe team’s fundraising page is still open to donations, if you too would like to contribute to this amazing cause, click here.
For more information on where your money goes, please vist the Race for Life pages here.